Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Congratulations Teshome

Teshome Andeta, G2 skycap at MSP, was awarded the most prestigious award at the MSP Airport today (The Dorothy Award).  Each year the Airport Foundation chooses 3 employees who are nominated by their peers.  Two Delta agents nominated Teshome.  This award was named after a lady who spent countless hours serving the passengers of the MSP airport.  He will be honored at the next Airport Managers Council meeting.  At that time, he will also be presented with a check for $1,000.

He humbly accepted the award.  We had also rounded up about 20 of his coworkers to share in the celebration. Ironically enough, one of our Ops Managers, Malik Dago, received this same award back in 2007.

We are very proud of Teshome and glad he's a valuable part of the G2 Team.  Again, Congratulations for an outstanding performance at MSP airport.

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